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How we can all help the Environment

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We can all contribute to protecting the environment in a number of small ways. It all adds up if enough of us do so. At Juul & Payne we have:

  • Implemented a number of energy saving measures as part of our recent redevelopment including fitting low energy LED lighting; energy efficient heating and cooling; better heat and sound insulation etc.

  • Gone almost completely paperless. All of our internal systems are fully computerised (with the appropriate security). Nearly all of our patient communications (such as eye examination reminders) are electronic except where patients require otherwise.

  • Where we do use paper we endeavour to ensure it is recycled

  • We can recycle your old / unwanted glasses and contact lenses.

  • We offer high quality frame brands which are eco friendly using sustainable plastics, recycled ocean bottles etc. (such as Eco) or which can be serviced /repaired and re used.

You may fancy a new pair of glasses (and a new look), or your prescription may have changed, but you don't necessarily need to discard your old frame. We can often reglaze your existing frame so you have a spare pair of glasses or we can add prescription photochromic lenses so you have a pair of sunglasses in your prescription. Our dispensing specialists can advise you on your options.

You can request or book a styling consultation with one of our dispensers online here. Alternatively you can call to book an appointment on 0117 9735929 or eMail

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