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Work Smarter - Not Harder

Last year at Juul & Payne was one of huge change in both our working environment and staffing. We are entering the New Year with completely new look premises; new equipment and additional staff - enabling us to work more effectively.

We now feel ‘settled’ i.e. we can actually find all the stuff we put in our cupboards! If one of your new year resolutions is to "work smarter - not harder" then we may be able to help.

I was dealing with a government department by phone last week when the clerk said ‘wait a minute I can’t see the screen properly I’ll need to find my glasses’ then she struggled with spelling our name despite it being written on the letter she’d accessed on her computer screen. Then it turned out she’d put on her ready readers.

These over the counter spex can help a bit but most people have a different prescription in each eye, astigmatism and need multiple working distances (desk top screens at 60cms, phones and paperwork at 40cms) so a basic single focus lens simply can’t cope. I calculate that she took 3 times as long to do her job compared to someone with the right spectacles.

The high quality glasses that we sell have light weight frames which hold their shape and colour really well and they are always comfortable. Our modern spex lenses have superior coatings which, combined with really clear resin lenses, make it much easier to see print, especially screen print.

Beware of cheap lenses which may have the same prescription but the plastic isn’t as clear and the single coating isn't as effective as our multiple coatings. People understand this with camera lenses but don’t realise it also applies to spectacle lenses - they’re not all equal! Helping you choose the right spex for the right task, and for your lifestyle, is where our dispensers excel. For more information on how a styling consultation with one of our dispensers could help you work smarter - not harder click here.


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